What Are The Benefits Of B12

Do you sometimes feel fatigued and weak? Or maybe even frequent changes in moods? These can be symptoms of low B12.  I wasn’t too familiar with vitamin b12 until about five years ago. I had a friend who was getting injections, so I started to wonder what are the benefits of b12 injections and what are the benefits of B12 in general.

After much research, I soon started including vitamin B12 in my routine from foods and in supplement form.


As you may know or guess, B12 is a B vitamin and one of the most important ones. Another name for it is cobalamin. This comes from the combination of cobalt + vitamin.  Cobalt is metal, and yes, I know, the thought of ingesting metal sounds scary. However, it’s safe with a recommended amount and essential for taking vitamin B12.

There are a total of 8 B Vitamins. Every single one of them helps your body turn the carbohydrates you eat into glucose. This means your food is turned into fuel which then is used for energy. So I’m sure you can see how important this is if your energy levels are low. The health benefits can be amazing from vitamin b12.

Vitamin B12 helps the body use some amino acids and dietary fats.    All of these B vitamins are water-soluble, which means they will not be stored in your body.

b12 foods
Vitamin b12 high foods.


  • Skin and nails have been shown to improve in B12-deficient people. Your skin may reduce inflammation, dryness, and redness.  Iron is extremely important for keeping your nails strong. When you add B12 into your routine, it helps with iron absorption. If you look up some images online, you will see what I mean. Your nails can actually turn blue if you do not have enough B12.
  • Metabolism is raised because vitamin B12 helps by raising your body’s energy production. The result of this is making your metabolism more efficient and fast. I started off by asking if you feel weak or fatigued. Being deficient in B12 means you are not getting the benefits of converting proteins and fats into energy and not taking advantage of what your energy levels could actually be.
  • Immune System can start to attack the stomach cells, which will keep your body from absorbing B12. This is known as pernicious anemia, and being deficient in B12 can be one of the main causes. B12 helps enhance the immune system’s response to disease by fighting off germs and other organisms.
  • Sleep is commonly associated with melatonin if you are having trouble. Melatonin and vitamin B12 work together and regulate the circadian rhythms inside our bodies. Circadian rhythms are your mental, physical, and changes in behavior during a typical 24 hours day.
b12 injection
Consider a vitamin b12 shot.


Before I mention the foods rich in B12, I want to point out something. If you are a vegetarian or vegan, you should be paying very close attention since most of the high sources of vitamin b12  food is some form of meat. I will list some great options for you if you are either of the two. With the right vitamin b12 foods, the health benefits can be very noticeable.

Vegetarian Options

  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Fortified cereals
  • Low-fat milk

Vegan Options

  • Vegan spreads
  • Meat substitutes
  • Nutritional yeast
  • Fortified non-dairy milk

No Diet Restriction Options

  • Sardines
  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Trout
  • Beef
  • Animal liver (only 100 grams of Lamb’s liver provides almost 3,600% of your daily value)

These are the foods highest in vitamin B12, but you can also get them in a supplement form. I recommend you purchase one that comes in the form of cyanocobalamin. The other popular form is methylcobalamin.  Some experts say one, and some say the other is a better option.  I personally look for cyanocobalamin because I think it’s superior.


Your body needs the two main forms of vitamin B12 called adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin. The beauty of cyanocobalamin is that it converts into both, unlike the other popular form, methylcobalamin.  I highly recommend this one which I consider the best all-around multivitamin…

B12 Vitamin supplement
My favorite vitamin b12 supplement 


There are a variety of foods that are high in vitamin B12. Some fruits that are high in this nutrient include apples, bananas, blueberries, and oranges.

Additionally, some vegetables that are high in vitamin B12 include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage. It is important to include plenty of these foods in your diet to ensure you are getting the nutrients you need.

Some of the highest plant foods in vitamin B12 include Tempeh, Chlorella, seaweed, and mushrooms.


The benefits of vitamin B12 and folic acid are numerous. Together, these two vitamins help to produce red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body. They also help to better utilize iron, which is important for maintaining energy levels.

Moreover, vitamin B12 and folic work together to produce S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), a compound involved in immune function and mood. By taking both of these vitamins together, you can enjoy better overall health!

food sources folic acid


An intrinsic factor is a protein made in the stomach. It is needed to absorb vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is important for forming red blood cells and nerve cells. A lack of vitamin B12 can lead to anemia and nerve problems.

The relationship between I.F and vitamin B12 is important because intrinsic factor helps the body to absorb vitamin B12. If there is not enough intrinsic factor, the body will not be able to absorb the vitamin B12, which can lead to health problems.


Even high B12 doses are considered to be safe. Just like any vitamin, though, you do not overdo it. I have read a few studies that show vitamin B12 can give you acne outbreaks. A study done in 2018 with 153 participants showed doses up to 2000 mcg, or 2 mg, were completely safe. (1)

One of the main reasons you should not worry about too much B12 is because of how well it absorbs into the body.  Research has shown your body only absorbs about 2% of it.  For example, this is why you will see on a supplement the serving size is around 500 mcg even though the daily recommended amount for adults is only 2.4 mcg.  Your body isn’t able to absorb it all.

The Office of Dietary Supplements, known as ODS recommends the following for vitamin b12:

  • 0-6 months – 0.4 mcg
  • 7-12 months – 0.5 mcg
  • 1-3 years – 0.9 mcg
  • 4-8 years – 1.2 mcg
  • 9-13 years – 1.8 mcg
  • 14+ years – 2.4 mcg

My advice is don’t worry too much about taking too much. Worry more about taking the proper amount and making sure the quality is great! It is very rare for B12 vitamin side effects. If you are one of the very few that experience something, then stop immediately and talk with your doctor.



Red blood cells are incredibly important for human health. They are responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body, and when there aren’t enough of them, the body can start to experience a range of problems. This is why it’s so important to make sure you have enough vitamin B12 in your diet – it’s essential for healthy red blood cells.

Vitamin B12 is found in meat and animal products, so people who don’t eat meat or animal products are at a higher risk of developing a vitamin B12 deficiency. This can lead to a condition called cobalamin deficiency, which is characterized by anemia (a lack of red blood cells) and other health problems.  The lack of red blood cells can be dangerous if not monitored.

Talk to your doctor if you think you might be at risk for cobalamin deficiency. There are a number of ways to treat it, including taking supplements or getting injections of vitamin B12. So if you’re not getting enough B12 from your diet, there are plenty of ways to make up for it. Keep your body healthy by making sure you’re getting enough of this essential vitamin!

You can even check your red blood cells count at home.  They have home tests you send in. You may be at an increased risk of low red blood cell formation and not even know it. So get tested!

enough red blood cells



Did you know that a lack of vitamin B12 can cause neurological problems? This is because vitamin B12 is important for the health of your nervous system. Some of the neurological problems that can occur from a lack of vitamin B12 include vision problems, memory loss, and changes in mood.

However, it’s worth noting that most people who don’t get enough vitamin B12 don’t experience any neurological problems. This is because vitamin B12 is found in many different foods, so it’s unlikely that you’ll develop a deficiency if you’re eating a balanced diet.

Treatment of people with this type of anemia in the nervous system do quite well, actually.  If you wait too long, though, you may see permanent damage from long-term vitamin b12 deficiency.

That said, some people are at risk of developing a vitamin B12 deficiency, including vegans and vegetarians who don’t eat animal products and people who have digestive problems that stop them from absorbing the vitamin properly.

If you think you might be low in vitamin B12, there are several ways to increase your intake. You can eat more foods that are high in B12, such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products. You can also take a supplement.  Yes, this isn’t very common for most people to have problems with their nervous system, but I think mood change is the most common.



This is basically what it sounds like. A shot of B12 is injected into your bloodstream with a needle. Why in the world would someone do that, you may be wondering. Or what are the benefits of the B12 shot?

With shots, you are getting B12 in a more pure form with the injections. Since the shot goes directly into your bloodstream, you enjoy the benefits much faster than the digestion process.

Man injecting b12 vitamin


Are you looking for a way to boost your weight loss efforts? If so, you may want to consider vitamin B12 shots. Proponents of these shots say that they help give you more energy and boost your metabolism, helping you shed unwanted pounds.

How do vitamin B12 shots help with weight loss?

First and foremost, vitamin B12 is essential for the body’s proper function. It helps keep your energy levels up and supports your metabolism. Additionally, vitamin B12 is important for maintaining a healthy cholesterol level and keeping your heart healthy.

When it comes to weight loss, vitamin B12 can help by keeping you feeling full after eating. This is because it helps slow down food digestion, which gives your body more time to feel satisfied after eating. Additionally, vitamin B12 can help boost your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories throughout the day.

Regular vitamin B12 injections can help you achieve these benefits and more. In fact, many people report losing weight quickly and easily once they start getting these injections on a regular basis.

If you’re looking for an easy way to boost your weight loss efforts, consider getting vitamin B12 shots. Not only will they help keep you energized and motivated, but they’ll also help speed up your metabolism and keep you feeling full after eating. Contact a health care provider today to learn more about getting started with this type of supplementation.


Pure Vitamin B12 supplement
A great vitamin b12 supplement




You have a few options now to make sure your vitamin B12 levels are sufficient. I personally go the supplement route because it can be hard to get the proper amounts every day from foods. A few different options for B12 vitamin sources, as I explained above. Option 1 combined already in the amazing multivitamin or buying it all by itself.

If you’re interested in getting B12 injections, talk to your doctor first if you think you are at an increased risk.

There are some great food sources of vitamin b12 out there.  I prefer to always have a supplement form on me because they are very affordable.


“To all my little Hulkamaniacs, say your prayers, take your vitamins and you will never go wrong.”

-Hulk Hogan


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