What Is The Best Protein For Building Muscle – My Top 5 Foods

If you want to get technical, proteins are measured by the (BV) or Biological Value. The Biological Value (BV) is a scale of measurement used to determine what percentage of a given nutrient source is utilized by the body. This is why I have always made sure I’m eating proteins that are very high on the Biological Value list. There are a lot of different options, but What Is The Best Protein For Building Muscle?

There really isn’t a hands-down top 5, but I will list what I have found to be the best bang for the buck and the highest quality for muscle gains over the years.

Best Whey Protein
Use this whey protein powder, and your muscles will grow!

Why Is Biological Value So Important?

Unlike carbs or fats stored in the body for future use, unused proteins are wasted.

Consuming a lot of food with a protein with low biological value will not be very effective because most of the protein will not be utilized. My Top 5 Muscle Building Foods below are all very high on the BV list.

Nutrition Data like this is essential to muscle building. The highest of all is Whey Protein Isolate protein powder.

I personally buy a 10lb bag and think Whey Protein Isolate is the most important muscle builder, and bought in bulk can actually be quite affordable.

Whey Concentrate is also lower on the BV list but also more affordable. As far as the highest foods, here is the list of the best sources in my opinion.


Protein values
Protein builds muscle                                                                                                                                     


whey protein islaote review
The best whey protein isolate deal


Eggs are loaded with vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein, good fats, and various other lesser-known nutrients. Eggs are among the best sources of protein in the diet.

I personally recommend spending the extra few dollars on cage-free eggs.

If you don’t believe me, then you can buy the cheapest ones and compare them under the light to some cage-free, and you will see a difference and a much more golden look.

I almost worked at a chicken farm growing up, but I couldn’t believe it once I saw how they were treated indoors!

In fact, the biological value (a measure of protein quality) is often evaluated by comparing it to eggs, which are given a perfect score of 100.

The white part of the egg contains no fat, and the yolk of an egg contains about 5 grams of fat, BUT only a small proportion of this is saturated fat (Bad Fat) – about 1.6 grams.

I chose them for number one based on the price and nutritional value combination.

Eggs tomoto
Eggs are a great source of Protein.


You may be wondering what an Egg Soldier is? I actually recently found out about this from a friend, and it makes the process of eating the egg kind of fun!

Very popular as a breakfast for children but also popular with adults. They originated in the United Kingdom.  They are basically the combination of sticks of buttered toast and a soft-boiled egg inside a cup.  You would dip the toast into the egg.

Hard Boilded Eggs



Chicken breast meat is rich in protein and very easy to prepare. Most bodybuilders or people looking to add muscle should find when Chicken Breast is on discount. I would say this is the best meat for building muscles.

This can be one of the best Bang for buck Proteins.

One hundred grams of skinless/boneless chicken breast contains 31 grams of protein. Prepare it in the oven with baking paper and seasoning.

It’s low in saturated fat (1.3g) and carbs and is a good source of omega-3, making it an ideal protein source if you’re trying to lose weight or gain lean muscle.

Chicken Breast
Chicken Breast builds muscle


If you are preparing meals for the week and want enough chicken breast meals for at least three days, then I highly recommend baking your chicken. The combination of baking after the chicken breast has been marinated is the best way to go.  I feel like the same goes for you in life; the more effort you put in, the better results.

A very important part of this is marinade because you will most likely get sick of the taste of chicken if you eat it every day.  There are so many options, so that really depends on what you like.

I personally have found mustard to work amazing for me. The reason for this is that mustard is made with Vinegar, which hides the chicken breast taste.

.Baked Chicken Breast marinade

Baking chicken breast may take a lot longer, but it just tastes that much better, and everything is evenly cooked. As a caution, please don’t do what I did. I tried a bacon-wrapped chicken recipe and it was hard not to do this every time!

Here is one of my favorite recipes you can try that will take you around 40 minutes total, including the prep time and cooking time.  You can check it out on Modern Honeys website The Best Chicken Marinade Recipe.



Loaded with healthy fats and packed with vitamins and minerals. Salmon includes 50% of your daily vitamin B6 and 90% of your daily vitamin B12 needs.

Salmon is hands down one of the best proteins you can add to your diet.

A 3.5-ounce serving of salmon contains 22–25 grams of protein.

There is more Potassium in Salmon than in an equivalent amount of banana. Potassium helps control your blood pressure. It also reduces your risk of stroke.

There are many ways of cooking Salmon. I think most people I know just bake it. For me personally, oven-baked Salmon is worth the wait and always tastes the best.

You have other options, like grilled salmon in foil or even stuffed salmon.  If you are in a rush, you can quickly pan-fry salmon, just don’t do it at work, or you may get sent home. My co-worker did this at a fancy hotel, and the smell went everywhere!

Salmon is also great for building muscle.


Here is a delicious recipe that only took me 30 minutes total between prep time and cooking time.  For the full recipe, you can head on over to Delish and give it a try.



Cottage cheese is almost entirely pure casein protein. Most importantly, though, is cottage cheese good for you? I think most people hear the word cheese and assume they should stay away from any type of cottage cheese diet.

You should not stay away from Cottage Cheese because it is a very beneficial food. A great source of protein, B vitamins, and minerals like phosphorus and calcium.

Casein is a slow-digesting protein, which means it is perfect for muscle maintenance.

This is useful, especially for people who have no choice but to go for long periods without eating. I Eat Cottage cheese right before I go to bed.

It releases amino acids slowly to help with recovery and reduce muscle breakdown while you sleep. You can also get Casein in powder form, but if you make a shake before bed, you will surely have to wake up in the middle of the night to head to the restroom.

cottage cheese
Cottage cheese protein is a slower dissolving protein.


Yes, it is Keto!  I would recommend the full-fat version if you want to be very strict about your keto diet.

Full fat Cottage Cheese has the least amount of carbohydrates, then followed by low fat.   Fat-free Cottage Cheese has the highest amount of carbohydrates.



I had to put Tuna on this list because of the high biological value, low calories, and how affordable it can be. You can easily find Tuna for a very cheap price.

Canned tuna is not quite as lean as some other fish, such as flounder or tilapia, but is more affordable and widespread. Some Tuna options include Bluefin Tuna, Yellowfin Tuna, and Albacore.

Canned tuna has 22 grams of protein and just under 100 calories per 3-ounce serving.

That makes tuna 94 percent protein. You’ll also get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for keeping your heart healthy as you stick to your workout routine.


I tried this Seared Tuna recipe and I highly recommend it.  The total time to make is only SIX MINUTES!!  For the full recipes, head on over to Bowl of Delicious and try their delicious six-minute Ahi tuna steaks recipe. 

All you will need are these ingredients.


  • 2 ahi tuna (yellowfin tuna) steaks (about 4 oz. each, 1″ thick)
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon canola oil or olive oil
  • Green onions, toasted sesame seeds, and lime wedges for serving (optional)


Tuna and can
Tuna is a great protein source.



Protein is more important than most nutrients.

Without enough protein in your diet, your body composition and health suffer.

This is one of the many reasons it is crucial to monitor how much you consume.

I personally have 1.5 grams of protein per body weight. Nutrition Data shows there are many different opinions on how much protein people actually need. So for me, that is 1.5 X’s 170lbs = 255 grams of protein per day.

I break that down in each of my 6 meals giving me about 40 grams of protein per meal.

For serious weight training and muscle building, it is ideal for getting at least 1 gram per pound of body weight.

Protein checklist


The right amount of protein for any one individual can depend on many different factors. The factors can be age, fitness goals, muscle mass, activity level, and current health state.

I hope my Top 5 Muscle Building Foods has helped you understand how important it is to stick to high BV proteins.

If you look for Chicken Breast when it is on sale and stock up, it really isn’t that expensive. You can generally find Cage-free eggs on sale for not too much more than uncaged.

Lots of people say eating healthy is expensive. The truth is that it’s not if you know what to look for. I will be writing a blog about the best sources of carbs and how they are extremely affordable.


Protein powder is a popular dietary supplement that is typically used to support muscle growth. There are many different protein powders on the market, but whey protein is often considered to be the best option for muscle building. Whey protein is a complete protein, meaning that it contains all of the essential amino acids that your body needs.

In addition, whey protein is rich in branched-chain amino acids, which promote muscle growth. Furthermore, whey protein is absorbed quickly by the body, making it an ideal choice for post-workout recovery. For these reasons, whey protein is often considered to be the best protein powder for muscle building. However, there are many other protein powders on the market, so be sure to do your research to find the one that best meets your needs.

Protein powder is a protein-rich powder that is often used by bodybuilders and other athletes to help them meet their protein needs. Whey protein, a type of protein powder derived from milk, is particularly popular because it is easy to digest and provides a range of essential amino acids. Research has shown that whey protein can help to promote muscle growth, making it an important tool for bodybuilders and other athletes who are looking to build muscle mass. Whey protein is also a good option for people who are trying to lose weight, as it can help to preserve lean muscle mass while reducing body fat.


Whey concentrate, whey isolate, casein, vegan and more – there are a lot of different types of protein powders on the market these days. So, which one should you choose? Here is a list of the top 5 protein powders based on their quality and benefits.

1. Whey concentrate is a great choice for beginners because it is affordable and easy to digest. It also contains high levels of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which are important for muscle growth and repair.

2. Whey isolate is a good choice for athletes or people who are looking to build muscle mass. It is higher in protein than whey concentrate, and it is also low in carbs and fat.

3. Casein is a slower-digesting protein that is ideal for people who want to reduce muscle breakdown and keep hunger at bay. It also has anti-cancer properties.

4. Vegan protein powders are a good choice for people who don’t eat meat or dairy products. They are typically high in fiber and BCAAs, and they come in a variety of flavors.

5. Soy protein powder is one of the most popular plant-based proteins. It is high in protein and fiber, and it contains all the essential amino acids. However, some people find soy objectionable because it contains estrogen-like compounds called phytoestrogens.

If you are looking for an all-in-one protein powder, consider purchasing one that contains both whey and casein proteins. This type of powder is beneficial for building muscle mass and preventing muscle breakdown.


When it comes to protein, there are a lot of options on the market. But what are the benefits of protein powder versus food source protein? One advantage of protein powder is that it is easy to digest. That’s because protein powder is already in a partially digested state, so your body doesn’t have to work as hard to break it down. As a result, protein powder is a great option for people who have trouble digesting food-based protein sources.

Another benefit of protein powder is that it is a concentrated source of protein. Just one scoop of protein powder can provide you with a significant amount of protein, making it an efficient way to meet your daily needs. And because protein powder is low in calories and fat, it can also help you to minimize weight gain.

Protein powder is low in calories and fat, making it a good option for those who are trying to lose weight. However, protein powder is more expensive than other protein sources, such as meat or eggs. And because it is processed, some people believe that it is not as healthy as natural protein sources. Ultimately, the decision of whether to use protein powder or another protein source should be based on your individual needs and preferences.

Finally, protein powder provides your body with a quick source of fuel. That’s because whey protein, one of the most popular types of protein powder, is rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which are quickly absorbed by the body and used for energy. So if you’re looking for a convenient, easy-to-digest source of protein that can help you meet your daily needs, protein powder may be right for you.


Now that you know some of the best protein foods for muscle building, it’s time to put this information into practice. Experiment with different combinations and find what works best for your body. Remember, quality counts when it comes to protein – so choose the healthiest options available.

And if you need a little help getting enough protein in your diet, consider using a high-quality protein powder. What is your experience with these protein-packed foods? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks for reading!


“Fitness is like marriage. You can’t cheat on it and expect it to work.”

-Bonnie Pfiester


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