How To Increase Your Libido – Send Your Sex Drive Through The Roof!

If I told you some things you can do to increase your libido that will cause absolutely no side effects, would you do it? OK, well, maybe some of you don’t know what libido is but have heard the word before. How To Increase Your Libido naturally is VERY important.

Libido is basically your overall sex drive and desire for sexual activity. So now, are you willing to try some things to increase your libido after knowing what it is? Along with knowing they are not harmful to you…..I thought so!

I will explain how to increase Libido in a few different ways and a little more about libido in general.

There are so many things that can affect your libido. So it’s essential to focus on the most important reasons it can be decreased and the most important reasons it can be increased.

Here is my favorite supplement with all-natural ingredients that can help increase your libido.

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This is a must for testosterone to increase naturally.

I’m sure you have seen at your local gas station or convenience store some of those pills claiming to give you a Superman-style erection or last forever in the bedroom. I personally have been with friends who purchased a few and asked me if they work right before ringing up with the cashier.

My response is always, ” I don’t know. I’ve never taken them”.

Now I’m not saying they all don’t increase sexual function, but I wouldn’t buy something just because there is a picture of a beautiful woman on the packaging with some creative wording. I would have to know what all the ingredients are first and that these products were tested and regulated.

For example, in 2017, the FDA alerted the public to 6 different male enhancement products. All these products contained potentially harmful ingredients, and these ingredients were NOT even mentioned on the label.

Enhancement street sign



If I randomly asked 100 people what libido is, I would guess most would say it’s the desire to want to have sex or sexual desire. That would be correct; libido is your sex drive. Libido in Latin means desire, longing, and lust. The libido is not a muscle, gland, organ, or anything like that. You can’t see it, touch it or have it replaced.

I wrote another article about how to increase your Testosterone and how libido is directly connected to Testosterone. You can read it here How To Increase Testosterone.

Men have about 40 times more, so now you know why sex is always on their minds and the reason for some aggressive behavior.

The term libido was said to be originated by Sigmund Freud, the famous Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis.

Which is a method for treating psychopathology (Study of mental disorders) through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst. According to Sigmund, libido is the driving force and ID behind all behavior.

He said it represented all psychic energy and not just only the sexual energy. As the days, months, and years of our lives go on, the libido will be affected and drops over time.



  • Watermelon is definitely top on the list and has been known to have the nickname natural Viagra. This is because it contains Citrulline, which helps the body relax blood vessels and boost blood flow.
  • Dark Chocolate, some people think, is a myth, but since it has phenylethylamine, your endorphins are triggered. These are the same chemicals released after a good workout.
  • Pine Nuts are actually seeds and have a lot of zinc. Zinc enables the body to produce testosterone which can help with your sex drive.
  • Oysters are loaded with zinc. In just six oysters, you can get 32mg of zinc. Research has shown that zinc can increase sperm count.
  • Asparagus is one of my favorite foods when cooked right. Asparagus is rich in Folate and Vitamin B6. Folate regulates the production of histamine. Histamine is the chemical released during an orgasm and can help with sex drive.



  • Alcohol, I put this at the top of the list for a reason. Too much alcohol over time can impact your sex drive in a big way. Have you ever heard the term “Brewers Droop”? This is when a male cannot achieve or maintain an erection. Without that, there is no sex drive, aka libido, at all!
  • Cheese originates from cows, so there can be synthetic hormones present that can take some fun out of the bedroom.
  • Mint has menthol in it and has been linked to lowering your testosterone levels and decreasing your sex drive.
  • Fried foods sometimes have Trans fats that are extremely bad for your libido, increasing abnormal sperm production in men.
  • Microwave popcorn seems like the perfect healthy snack for date night, but it contains perfluorooctanoic acid. This is actually not found in the popcorn but in the bag’s lining and has been linked to decreased sex drive.
  • Licorice, you should stop eating or just not large amounts because it contains glycyrrhizin, which has decreased libido levels. There is a form called DGL, which has most of the glycyrrhizin taken out.
hand saying no to alcohol
No to alcohol for a better libido.



I find this part the most interesting and exciting because sometimes supplements can be the easiest way to increase something and don’t take much effort.

Food can take a while to prepare, and you have to continue shopping for it over and over. On the other hand, supplements can take a few seconds to consume and last you for a whole month or more.

Here are a few of the most common and effective supplements to raise your libido and increase your sex drive.

  • Horny Goat Weed, and yes, you read that right. Most likely, you have heard of it before, but does it work, and if so, how? Horny Goat Weed is a herb, first of all. You can buy it in a tablet, capsule, powder, or tea form. The main ingredient in Horny Goat Weed is called Icariin. Scientists have found that Icariin works very similar to Viagra, although Viagra is much more potent. Traditional Chinese medicine used Icariin to enhance erectile function. Horny Goat Weed stimulates the Female and Male hormones to improve arousal and sexual function.
  • Maca Powder is from the Maca plant that grows in central Peru in the Andes mountains. The taste is nutty and earthy, and most people add it to their smoothies or oatmeal. Some studies back up Maca, like Maco Root Study and another Maca Root. Maca has the ability to help the body maintain normal hormonal levels in both women and men.
  • LongJack Extract’s technical name is Eurycoma Longifolia. This is something I recently found out about from a trainer I know. You can find it mostly grown in Southeast Asia and pretty commonly used in Tea. Malaysian men claim that tea improves their sexual ability. Longjack has been shown to elevate testosterone and muscle strength in humans.
  • Tribulus Terrestris is a plant that belongs to the Zygophyllaceae family and can be found around the world. 2 studies show positive results with libido, and Tribulus Terrestris study helped women.
  • Korean Red Ginseng, you can probably guess, is grown in Asia and can be found online under the names Asian, Chinese, and Panex Ginseng. Make sure you don’t confuse American or Siberian Ginseng because they are two different plants. Research has shown this to improve the libido in both men and women. In one study, 32 women were given 3 capsules a day and reported having improved sexual function with no side effects.

If you would like to purchase either of these supplements and give them a try, click on the supplement’s name.



Increase testosterone button



Sexual medicine is a broad term that can encompass many different types of treatments. In this post, we’ll specifically be talking about three different types of sexual medicine that can be taken to increase your sex drive: tadalafil, vardenafil, and avanafil.

Tadalafil is the active ingredient in Cialis®, and it works by inhibiting an enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5). This enzyme breaks down a chemical called cGMP, which is necessary for smooth muscle relaxation and erection formation. By inhibiting PDE5, tadalafil helps to keep cGMP levels high, which leads to smooth muscle relaxation and better blood flow to the penis. This ultimately results in a stronger erection.

Vardenafil is the active ingredient in Levitra®, and it also inhibits PDE5. However, vardenafil differs from tadalafil in that it lasts for a shorter amount of time (typically 4-5 hours). This makes vardenafil a good choice for people who want a short-acting medication or who plan on taking multiple doses throughout the day.

Avanafil is a newer ED medication available as Stendra®, and it works differently than tadalafil or vardenafil. Avanafil inhibits PDE5, but it also increases the amount of cGMP in the body. This dual inhibition of PDE5 and increase in cGMP levels leads to a more rapid onset of action (within 15 minutes) and a longer duration of effect (up to 6 hours).


Your libido has a lot to do with sexual desire. It’s the force that drives you to be sexually active, and it’s influenced by a variety of factors, including your hormones and your mental state. If you’re feeling stressed out or anxious, your libido may be affected, and if your hormones are imbalanced, that can also affect your sex drive.

But there are things you can do to boost your sexual desire if it’s waning. For example, you can try exercises like yoga or meditation, which can help you relax and de-stress.

It is no secret that a healthy sex life contributes to a happy relationship. However, if you are struggling with low sexual desire, don’t worry; you are not alone. Here are a few more tips to help increase your sexual desire:

1. Talk to your partner. The first step is to talk to your partner about your concerns. Oftentimes, simply communicating openly about your sex life can help to resolve any issues and lead to a more fulfilling sexual relationship.

2. Communicate with your doctor. If the problem persists, it may be helpful to speak with your doctor about any underlying medical issues that could be contributing to your low libido.

3. Exercise regularly. Exercise has been shown to improve overall health and well-being, including sexual function.

4. Eat healthy foods. A balanced diet is important for overall health and well-being, including sexual health. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet. Which are rich in antioxidants and other nutrients that can improve your overall health.

5. Avoid excessive drinking and smoking. Both alcohol and tobacco can have negative effects on sexual health.

6. Stay sexually active. Staying sexually active can help maintain your libido and improve your overall sex life.

7. Try different forms of stimulation. Sometimes experimenting with different forms of stimulation can help increase sexual desire. This could include trying new positions, experimenting with different types of foreplay, or using sex toys or fantasy role-playing games.

So if you’re looking to boost your sexual desire and reignite the spark in your sex life, start by trying some of these tips.


Sexual dysfunction is a problem that prevents you from wanting or enjoying sexual activity. There are many different causes of this, including physical problems, emotional problems, and lifestyle factors. Some of the most common causes of sexual dysfunction include:

Physical problems: Many physical problems can lead to sexual dysfunction, including heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. These conditions can cause problems with blood flow and nerve function, which can lead to difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection, difficulty becoming aroused, or difficulty reaching orgasm.

Many physical problems can lead to this, including heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. These conditions can cause problems with blood flow and nerve function, which can lead to difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection, difficulty becoming aroused, or difficulty reaching orgasm. Emotional problems: Emotional problems can also lead to sexual dysfunction. Stress, anxiety, and depression can all interfere with your ability to enjoy sex. Relationship troubles or feelings of guilt or self-consciousness can also cause problems.

Emotional problems can also lead to sexual dysfunction. Stress, anxiety, and depression can all interfere with your ability to enjoy sex. Relationship troubles or feelings of guilt or self-consciousness can also cause problems. Lifestyle factors: Lifestyle factors can also contribute to this. Smoking and drinking alcohol can both impair sexual function, as can obesity and lack of exercise.

If you are experiencing difficulties with sex, it is important to see a doctor. There are many treatments available for sexual dysfunction, including medications, counseling, and lifestyle changes.


Yes, there sure is. Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) is a condition that affects women’s ability to enjoy sex. There are many different types of FSD, including:

• Physical changes or conditions that impact intimacy, such as pain during sexual activity or having a low or absent desire for sexual intimacy.

• Hypoactive (low) sexual desire disorder — having a low or absent desire for sexual intimacy that causes distress.

If you think you may be experiencing FSD, it’s important to see a doctor so you can get the help you need. Treatment options vary depending on the type of FSD you have but may include counseling, medication, or lifestyle changes.


Hypoactive sexual desire disorder is a medical condition characterized by a low or absent sex drive that causes distress. It’s different from having a low libido, which is a natural consequence of aging, illness, or stress. Hypoactive sexual desire disorder can affect both men and women and can lead to problems in relationships and overall quality of life.

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for HSDD, but therapies that have been shown to be effective include counseling, medication, and lifestyle changes. If you think you might have HSDD, talk to your doctor about your symptoms and possible treatment options.


When it comes to sex, there can be a lot of pressure to perform. This pressure can come from ourselves, our partners, or the society we live in. This pressure can lead to anxiety and decreased sex drive. Seeing a sex therapist can help reduce this anxiety and increase your sex drive.

These therapists are qualified counselors, doctors, or healthcare professionals who have done extra training in helping people with problems relating to sex. They can provide tools and tips to improve your relationship and sex life. They can also provide you with a safe space to talk about any concerns you may have about sex.

Talking about sex can be difficult, but it is important. It is normal to have questions about sex and to have some concerns. A sex therapist can help you address these concerns and better understand your own body and sexual desires. This increased understanding can help reduce anxiety and increase your sex drive.

If you are experiencing decreased libido, anxiety, or other sexual concerns, consider seeing a sex therapist. They can help you feel more comfortable and confident in your sexuality, which can lead to a more enjoyable and fulfilling sexual life.


I’m not a doctor and only recommend these, so you may want to speak with your Dr first if you have any health problems. Even though they may really give your libido a boost, there are so many natural factors like STRESS that can really destroy and lower your libido and ruin your sex life.

Age is one of the most common reasons your sex drive drops, but there are many other reasons you start to lose sex drive.

Emotional problems for women can be a big factor in libido. Women are more psychologically driven creatures when it comes to sex. On the other hand, males can be a little more physical impulse.

So even with all my libido-boosting tips, they may not work that well if you are living a very stressful or emotional life.

Having a low sexual desire, in general, can be a very complex thing that no supplement can fix. There are physical, psychological, and relationship issues that factor in.

You should start by making sure you are getting a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, keeping your anxiety levels low, and working on getting your relationship right first. I hope this helps, and you give at least one of the supplements a try and let me know how you liked it.


This post may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through links. I will only recommend products that I have personally used! Learn more on my Privacy Policy Page.


1 thought on “How To Increase Your Libido – Send Your Sex Drive Through The Roof!”

  1. From a woman’s (and nurse) perspective, you’re right – women’s libido is very psychological (thanks for saying this!) I had a conversation with an OBGYN, and she was telling me that the woman’s libido prescription pill is actually an antidepressant! Her first question to her patients who had concerns with libido was always, tell me what’s happening in your life – are you stressed? how’s your relationship? how’s work? If a woman doesn’t feel safe and nourished in a relationship, they will, even subconsciously, shut down. Hence, the antidepressant for libido.

    These adaptogens that you mentioned are great for helping you manage stress and naturally increase libido. Great post!


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