Testosterone Levels In Men | Raise Yours This Way

If you have ever wondered how to Increase Testosterone Levels In Men, please keep reading on.  There is so much misleading information out there claiming to boost your levels.

Trust me; I have tried many of them!

In general, I think a lot of men are looking for that magic pill you can take and your low testosterone shoots way up.  Then soon after, expecting serious muscle gains in the gym. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that is just not how it works.

Sure some can help raise it a little, but no over-the-counter supplements will boost it as they claim. There definitely are some great ways to increase Testosterone Levels In Men without any side effects.

The foods you eat and don’t eat can increase and decrease your levels. Also good exercise and diet. Low-stress levels are a huge factor in keeping your levels very healthy.   Even sun or taking a Vitamin D supplement can help. High-quality sleep is a huge factor as well.

Some great natural supplements can help you maintain or even raise your levels if taken regularly. A few of these ingredients inside have studies that have proven to raise levels.

My favorite supplement is called ALPHA JYM.  This supplement contains my two highest recommended ingredients which both have studies proven to increase levels: Ashwagandha and Fenugreek.

Increase testosterone in men supplement
This is a must for testosterone to increase naturally.


I would imagine, at some point, you have heard the word by now. The older I started getting, the more I wanted to know exactly what it was and how it worked.

The definition of Testosterone is:

  • Testosterone is the primary sex hormone and anabolic steroid in males. In male humans, testosterone plays a big role in developing male reproductive tissues such as the prostate and testes. It promotes secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass and body hair growth.

So what does this mean in simpler terms?

With a good amount of natural testosterone, you will have a better ability to build muscle mass.  You may also have a deeper voice. You will also have a higher sex drive.  Potentially you will have more facial hair. You may also have a much clearer memory and thinking ability.  An overall better mood and quality of life! Hopefully, I have your attention now.  This is exactly why I have done so much research and made sure my Testosterone levels are naturally high.

Can Testosterone Increase Size?

It sure can! I’m talking about the size of your muscle, by the way.  A great example of this would be professional bodybuilders. They have levels so much higher than the average human. However, they are not raising their low testosterone levels naturally and do require injections. I will talk more about this below under the Testosterone Replacement Therapy topic.


When testosterone is measured in a lab, it is typically in one of two forms: free testosterone or total testosterone. Free testosterone is the unbound form of the hormone that is not attached to any other molecules. Total testosterone, on the other hand, includes both the free and bound forms of the hormone. The vast majority of testosterone in the body (about 98%) is bound to proteins called sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) or albumin.

The difference between free and total testosterone is important because only the free form of the hormone can bind to cells and activate them. The bound form cannot do this because it is attached to SHBG or albumin. This means that the free testosterone level is a better indicator of how much active testosterone is available in the body.

Many factors can affect the levels of free testosterone in the body, including age, health, and lifestyle choices. For example, as men get older, their levels of free testosterone tend to decline. This can lead to a variety of health problems, such as decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, and reduced bone density.

There are a number of things you can do to help maintain healthy levels of free testosterone. Some lifestyle changes that can help include getting regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. There are also a number of supplements that can help boost free testosterone levels, such as zinc and magnesium.


Once I started realizing how important the benefits were and the testosterone effects, I started researching foods. First of all, you cannot eat foods out there for a week and then expect your bench press to go up 50 pounds. There are also some good Vitamins and Herbs that can help along with foods. Foods will definitely help with low testosterone but don’t expect miracles.

  • Oysters
  • Beef
  • Eggs
  • Tuna
  • Leafy Green Vegetables (Spinach)
  • Tuna
  • Almonds

I’m not saying only eat these seven foods and nothing else. I would recommend incorporating them into your diet very often if your goal is to try and increase your Testosterone levels. I do, however, think more important is staying away from the foods that harm your levels.  On the list below, you will see them and if I had to pick one I think is the absolute worst, it would have to be alcohol.

Eat These to increase Testosterone.


There are many pieces to the puzzle to keep your Testosterone levels high. Most important comes down to your daily habits to keep you from low testosterone. If you’re eating Testosterone Killing Foods every day, then chances are your levels will soon be lowered.

  • Processed foods
  • Alcohol
  • Licorice root
  • Mint
  • Soy Products
  • Vegetable Oils

For the first two, I try my best to stay away from or have minimal amounts.

No Alcohol
One of the worst things about lowering your testosterone is alcohol.


There is no exact number for this, but there have been enough studies to determine, on average, when Testosterone is the highest and at what age low testosterone starts.  In general, testosterone levels are highest just right around when you’re about to be 20 years old.  In general, right around the age of 40 is when testosterone levels in men start to decrease.

The testosterone levels in women are much different. Their levels are much lower than a man’s. I will explain how it’s measured and what the average numbers are to give you an example. Doctors measure testosterone in nanograms per deciliter (ng/dl).

Age Male (in ng/dl) Female (in ng/dl)
17 to 18 years 300-1,200 20-75
19 years and older 240-950 8-60


Here are the testosterone levels by age chart to give you an idea.




If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms of low testosterone, it’s important to talk to your doctor. Some of which are reversible and some of which are not.

Reduced sex drive, reduced erectile function, loss of body hair, less beard growth, loss of lean muscle mass, feeling very tired all the time (fatigue), and obesity (being overweight) are all common symptoms of low testosterone. But remember, everyone experiences low testosterone differently, so if you’re concerned about your levels, talk to your doctor.

Symptoms of depression can also be a sign of low testosterone. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor. He or she can help you figure out if low testosterone is the cause and can prescribe treatment if needed.

Some of the irreversible side effects of low testosterone include:

· Development of breasts in men (gynecomastia)
· Shrinking of the testes
· Reduction in muscle mass
· Increased body fat


Testosterone deficiency, or hypogonadism, is a condition in which a man’s body does not produce sufficient testosterone. Testosterone is the primary male hormone, and it plays a role in many important physiological functions, including reproductive health, muscle mass and strength, and bone density.

If you think you may have testosterone deficiency, it’s important to see a doctor. There are various treatments available, depending on the cause of your deficiency. If the problem is due to a lack of testosterone production by the testes, for example, you may be prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. This involves taking synthetic testosterone in pill or injection form.

There are also other lifestyle measures you can take to boost your testosterone levels. These include getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, and minimizing stress levels. And if you’re concerned about your fertility, there are steps you can take to improve your chances of conceiving.


No, Yes, Maybe?  Ok, I know that is not the answer you are looking for, but you will most likely hear all those answers depending on who you ask.

I must first say in no way am I a doctor. This is just my opinion based on tons and tons of research and talking to friends who have been on it for years.  I have watched enough Youtube videos of actual doctors explaining it more in detail. So for this, I have formed my own honest opinion.

Would I ever do it?

The answer is YES! I have been meticulous about what goes into my body my whole life and competed in NATURAL physique shows. The thought of a needle going into my body just was of no interest. Then I started to see actual TRT clinics with real doctors prescribing it to men.  Here I am, 40 years old at the time of writing this. The age right when my levels are going to start declining.

My best advice is to see a doctor and have your levels checked from a blood test.  This can be life-changing for some that have just never been able to pack on muscle or feel fatigued all the time.


I will absolutely be getting a testosterone blood test every other month. This is where a lot of people make a mistake. They take way too much of a dose and never do blood tests. I personally know people who have been on TRT for almost ten years, and their blood tests always come back completely normal.

I’m also going to have my Testosterone levels checked in the blood test and try and get my levels as close as possible to the level I was when I was 20.

How will I get this Testosterone into my body?

I will be doing the once-a-week injections. As you will read below, there are many different ways. However, the best results do come from the injections (your doctor can do your injections for you).

Testosterone levels
Get your Testosterone Levels checked.


Complex definition: Testosterone Replacement Therapy (Also known as TRT) is a form of hormone therapy in which androgens, often testosterone, are replaced. TRT is often prescribed to counter the effects of male hypogonadism

Simpler definition: Hypogonadism is when your body doesn’t naturally produce enough Testosterone or enough sperm. This can develop later on in life, or you can be born with it. So with TRT, you can get injections, pellets, patches, or gels, which can improve the low testosterone in men.

So you may be wondering, is Testosterone a Steroid?

TRT is also completely legal because a physician prescribes it. This can be a little tricky because illegal steroids and TRT can have some identical ingredients. So it comes down to how they are used to making a difference. The best example I can think of is this……

  • Steroid abuser: Take much higher doses and are usually some professional bodybuilder.
  • TRT user: Takes just enough prescribed by the doctor to maintain a normal healthy average.



Sure there are absolutely some side effects.  This is the case with pretty much anything you are doing too much in excess.  Let’s say you are very careless and doing an absurd amount.  You could have these side effects…

  • Increased aggression and your moods can change often
  • Breasts enlargement
  • Increased risk of blood clots
  • Increased Acne
  • Decreased testicular size

If you ask me if I’m worried about these side effects, my answer will be no. Only because I know I will be doing a safe amount and keeping a close eye on my blood test results. TRT has been around long enough now that we know the potential if done right. Also, remember, if you want, you can always stop doing it anytime!

My Goal: To feel like superman in my 40s,50s, and 60’s.  If you have any questions, please comment below. I can recommend which form of the injections I think is best because there are a few. If you have some time, go on Youtube, and you will find hundreds of videos about TRT. Some people document from day one once they start.

VERY IMPORTANT: You can take TRT the correct way by a doctor, but you still need a GREAT DIET and GREAT WORKOUT plan to pack on the muscle. 


Testosterone is a hormone that is responsible for many important aspects of our health. From maintaining muscle mass to keeping our bones strong to help us regulate our moods and energy levels, testosterone is essential for both men and women.

While high testosterone has clear benefits, low testosterone can cause a number of problems. If you are experiencing any symptoms related to low T, it’s important to see your doctor and explore treatment options. Many foods can help boost your testosterone levels naturally, as well as supplements that have been shown to be effective.

I hope this article has helped give you a better understanding of testosterone and its effects on our health. Having low testosterone most of your life and then getting Testosterone Replacement therapy to raise testosterone levels could change your life.

Have you had any experience with testosterone? Do you feel your testosterone levels could be low? Let me know in the comments below!


  1. You can check out my top 3 lifts to Pack on Muscle Muscle Gain
  2. My Top 5 Muscle Building Supplements Supplements
  3. My Top 5 Foods that Build Muscle Muscle Foods
“Years ago, I was diagnosed with a condition, and my doctors prescribed human growth hormone and testosterone for its treatment. Under medical supervision, I have continued to use both medications.”

-Sylvester Stallone


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