Best Workouts To Gain Muscle – Top 3

There are basically two main goals that are the most popular and important to anyone who wants to get in shape or better shape when working out. Those two would be either losing weight or gaining muscle. With so many advertisements and Fitness plans you can purchase online, how do you decide? In this article, I will give you my honest opinion on the best Workouts to Gain Muscle.

These three lifts would be perfect for someone who doesn’t know where to begin in the gym.

The reason is that you can split them up on days 1, 2, and 3, and then on day 4, go right back to your day 1 muscle group, and you will always have two days’ rest.

I want to share my results and opinions from over 20 years of experimenting and trying just about every lift and variation. I’m an old-school lifter and feel things have become over-complicated nowadays. I do believe a workout plan works, and I will tell you why.

The alternative to not starting someone’s fitness plan is not to work out at all. So when someones ask me my opinion on a workout they are trying after I know they normally don’t work out, I tell them it’s great!

This is the same thing with Supplements. Sometimes a good supplement can be enough to motivate someone to go work out. Please don’t overthink it; get in the gym, split up your muscle groups on different days, getting about 2 days of rest in between.



If you said to me, ” Bobby, you can only pick one lift for the rest of your life, what would it be?”

My response would be the Squat!

The squat is the king of all exercises and works the most muscle groups in the body. Are you a beginner and not sure exactly what lift this is? The Squat primarily works the legs and butt.

You place a barbell over your shoulders in a standing position. Move your hips back, bend the knees and hips to lower your torso with the weight, and return to the upright position.

If you have ever done an intense free-weight squat workout after not having exercised for a while, I’m sure, like me, you can barely move for the next three days. This is a great example of how important the squat is and how it works so many muscles in the body. This is a lift where the form is vital. This workout will even build your upper body.

You can do the squat with either Swiss Balls, Dumbbells, Barbells, or even your own body weight. Whether you use free weights like barbells and dumbbells or machines like the smith machine will determine the effectiveness.

I recommend using the barbell free weight version once you have built up some strength and good form because it is superior to others. Here are some benefits of the squat.

  • MOBILITY AND BALANCE Having strong legs are very crucial for staying mobile. They work your core and stabilize muscles which will help you maintain your balance.
  • BUILD MUSCLE IN YOUR ENTIRE BODY They mainly focus on the legs and butt, but they also work your abs and back.
  • INCREASE TESTOSTERONE You will need to perform them at the proper intensity for this to happen, though. High-volume resistance training of moderate-to-high-intensity while taking short rests between will trigger this.

I wrote a separate article on how to increase testosterone naturally. If you would like to check it out, Increase Testosterone.

Guy doing squat lift
The king of lifts is the squat.



This is a tough choice because my 2nd and 3rd most important lift in Bodybuilding weight lifting is almost even.

The BENCH PRESS is my 2nd choice. This is the best overall upper body workout. So you have the Squat for the lower and Bench for the upper. If the bench is done correctly, it works the Triceps, Pectorals, and front Deltoids.

This seems to be everyone’s favorite exercise. You can also do the dumbbell bench press instead of the barbell.

I think that’s because it’s comfortable lying down, and you are not getting that extreme burning feeling or lightheaded feeling like other lifts.

Most people don’t like being outside their comfort zone. This is why I think you don’t see many people doing the squat workout because it’s TOUGH. Some benefits of the bench press are…

  • BIGGER OVERALL CHEST The pec major muscle works and gives your chest a larger and stronger appearance.
  • BIG STRONG TRICEPS The triceps make up 2/3 of the arm. So if you want your shirt tight around your arms, you must build the triceps. I have an amazing Triceps workout. The workout builds them to the size people are always commenting on and wondering what I’m doing. The Bench helps build all three heads of the triceps ( lateral, long, medial)
  • BRAGGING RIGHTS You will rarely ever hear someone ask how much you can squat, curl, or toe raise. The common weight room question is,

“How much can you bench?”


TIP! It would help if you also had a good Protein Powder and a good Pre Workout supplement to maximize muscle gain with these lifts.

I wrote an article on each. If you would like to check them out, Pro Jym Protein Powder and Pre Jym Pre Workout.

Bench Press
Best Lift for the chest.



My last top 3 muscle builder choice is the Deadlift.

This lift is probably the least performed of the top 3. One of the reasons is there is not always room at the gym to do it, and it’s a difficult movement.

This lift uses many muscle groups, including the lats, lower back, quads, traps, glutes, hamstrings, and calves.

You may wonder if you should perform this lift on either leg or back day since it uses both muscle groups. I would recommend back day personally because it is one of or if not the best back exercises.

I like to save leg days for squats. This is also another reason I do Deadlifts during the back day. Here are some benefits of the Deadlift…

  • BETTER POSTURE When you Deadlift, your core strength increases and adds to core stability. Deadlifting will target all the muscles that are responsible for posture.
  • IT’S SAFE If you have the form figured out, it’s safe because you can’t get pinned under the weight or have it pull you over backward. All you have to do is drop it; a spotter is unnecessary.
  • INCREASED CARDIO If you do 10 or more reputations and a decent pace, this will increase your cardio ability. You most likely will understand what I mean after your reps when you can barely breathe and need to sit down.


Women Lifting




This all depends on what your goals are. I do all these lifts in the Hypertrophy phase, AKA Muscle building phase. With this phase, you will want to do 6-12 reps with a 1-2 minute rest.

I personally stay around 8 or 9 reps with the heaviest weight I can do for that rep range.

This is like the sweet spot for muscle building is right in the middle of the Hypertrophy phase.  If your goal is strength, you would want to do 1-5 reps with 3-5 minutes of rest. Then there is the Endurance phase which you would be doing 12-20 reps with 30 to 60 seconds of rest between.


When it comes to strength training, compound exercises are king. These exercises involve multiple joints and muscle groups and are incredibly effective for building muscle and strength. Unlike isolation exercises, which focus on a single muscle group, they force the muscles to work together to move the weight.

Compound exercises are important for building muscle because they allow you to lift heavier weights.  The heavier weights put more stress on your muscles, which leads to more muscle growth.

This not only helps to build muscle more effectively but also improves coordination and balance. In addition, they are more efficient than isolation exercises, making them ideal for those who are short on time. So if you’re looking to gain muscle and strength, I recommend you focus on compound exercises. You’ll be glad you did!

In addition, they help to improve your balance and coordination. This is important for everyday activities as well as for sports performance.

Overall, compound exercises are a great way to build muscle and improve your fitness level.


When it comes to workout plans and routines, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The best workout plan for gaining muscle is the one that is tailored to your individual needs and goals. However, a few general tips can help you put together an effective workout routine for gaining muscle. First, make sure to include both cardio and strength-training exercises in your workout routine.

Cardio exercises will help to increase your heart rate and burn calories, while strength-training exercises will help to build muscle. Second, don’t be afraid to lift heavy weights. Lifting heavy weights may seem daunting, but it is essential for gaining muscle. Make sure to give your body plenty of rest and recovery time. Overdoing it with your workout routine can lead to injuries, so make sure to take breaks when needed.

Finally, you need to be patient. Gaining muscle takes time and patience. If you stick to a consistent workout routine and eat a healthy diet, you will eventually see results.

By following these tips, you can create a workout plan that will help you achieve your goal of gaining muscle.



The shoulder press is a great workout for toning the arms, shoulders, and upper back. Here’s how to do it: start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your knees slightly bent. Then, raise your arms up to shoulder height with your palms facing forward.

From here, press your palms together and continue pressing until your arms are fully extended overhead. Return to the starting position and repeat for 10-12 repetitions. Shoulder presses are a great way to tone the entire upper body, so be sure to add them to your workout routine!


The barbell bicep curl is a compound exercise that simultaneously works for multiple muscle groups. To do the barbell bicep curl, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a barbell in front of your thighs with an overhand grip. From this position, curl the barbell up to shoulder level while keeping your elbows close to your sides. Slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position and repeat for 10-12 repetitions. You can also do this exercise with dumbbells instead of a barbell. If you are new to weightlifting, it is advisable to start with lighter weights and gradually increase the amount of weight as you get stronger. The barbell bicep curl is an effective exercise for building upper body strength and can be included in both full-body workouts and split routines.


One of the best exercises for building muscle mass is the pull up. This exercise works all of the major muscles in your back, arms, and shoulders, making it an essential part of any workout routine. There are several different ways to perform a pull up, but the most important thing is to use proper form. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of this exercise:

Start by gripping the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart. Use an overhand grip if you want to focus on your biceps, or an underhand grip if you want to focus on your lats. If you’re new to pull ups, start with a narrow grip so that you can better control your body.

As you pull yourself up, focus on using your back and arm muscles rather than momentum. Keep your body straight and avoid swinging as you pull yourself up to the bar. When you reach the top of the pull up, hold for a moment and then slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position.

Pull ups are a great way to build muscle mass, but they can be tough if you’re just starting out. If you can’t do a full pull up yet, try doing them with assistance from a friend or family member, or use a chair or stool to help take some of your weight. With practice, you’ll be able to do more and more pull ups without assistance.



If you are extremely busy and find it hard to make it to the gym, you can find a way to go for at least three days.

Then it would help if you were doing the three lifts I recommended and deciding which bodybuilding phase you want to be in. You could work out just three days a week with these three lifts, stay in the hypertrophy phase, and have excellent results.

I personally have tried this for a few months performing these lifts on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  I was able to keep the same muscle tone and look by this vs. other programs I have tried.

This is actually what I do once I have maxed out on all my lifts; I maintain.

I mean that I may work out 5 or 6 days a week when just getting back into the gym after some time off (which rarely happens). After three months, I hit all my maxes with each muscle group.

Then I start maintaining these three lifts, sometimes just three days a week and 45 minutes each workout. Yes, this is the truth. I work out three days a week for 45 minutes to 1 hour.

My diet, however, is spot on, and I’m getting good sleep.  You don’t have to be in the gym for hours and hours, either.

Doing ten sets with 2 minutes rest will be done in 45 minutes max. I hope this helps and gives you some direction on what the most important lifts are, in my opinion.

These are the three lifts that basically all the old-school bodybuilders used. Please leave me a comment if you have any questions!


“Train Insane Or Remain The Same”

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